Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations: Policy Frameworks and Options-ARCHIVED
Delivery method
Virtual Classroom
12 hours
Other Government Department Employee
This course has been archived as of July 25, 2024.
The course focuses on the delivery of effective aid in fragile and conflict-affected states and situations. The course will give participants a deeper understanding of what drives conflict and fragility and how, as Canadians, we can identify and capitalize on opportunities for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- plan fragile and conflict-affected states and situations action using common language and a common set of frameworks
- improve engagement in complex dynamic contexts with an appreciation of our impact
- identify and leverage Government of Canada resources and tools to act more effectively in fragile and conflict-affected states
Notes: This course is available to other government department employees on a cost-recovery basis.
For more information, please contact
Legacy course code: 00017197