Intercultural Effectiveness and Indigenous Relations

Product code: IE130


Delivery method

Delivery method


Virtual Classroom






Other Government Department Employee



This course is offered in preparation for dialogue with Indigenous peoples of Canada. The course uses the intercultural competency framework as a basis for building understanding and developing partnerships that foster mutual trust and respect.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • strengthen their capacity to demonstrate interculturally effective competencies when engaging with Indigenous partners, organizations and community members
  • enhance their understanding of socio-cultural, political, spiritual and economic contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities
  • contextualize the effects of past government policies and practices on Indigenous health, society, and culture and understand government’s current legal obligations and commitments to Indigenous peoples
  • enhance Indigenous partner and community relations by applying the specific intercultural effectiveness competencies that are valued within Indigenous societies of Canada

Notes: This training for groups is also available to other government departments and non-governmental organizations on a cost-recovery basis.

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No Current Offerings

Date modified: 2022-12-06